Известување за промотивни услови за запишување на членови на ИОРРСМ да полагаат ACCA
Почитувани членови на ИОРРСМ,
Ве известуваме дека ИОРРСМ склучи договор со ACCA, со кој што на членовите на ИОРРСМ им се дава можност да се запишат за полагање на испитите на ACCA, со промотивни финансиски услови кои важат до 31 март 2024 година. Промоцијата важи само за запишување на нови кандидати (членови на ИОРРСМ) за полагање на испитите на ACCA.
Следи изворната информација/понуда на ACCA, а во прилог е дадено Упатство со инструкции. Сите потребни документи во постапката кои што треба да ги издаде ИОРРСМ, ќе Ви бидат обезбедени на Ваше барање.
Dear ICARNM member,
We are pleased to inform you that you can benefit of special registration fees for registering to ACCA Qualification until 31st of March 2024.
To register with ACCA, please access the following link: ACCA Registration Intro | ACCA Global.
The following steps will be required for the registration application:
· Upload an identity document (report card, passport or driver's license).
· Upload the Bachelor's or Master's diploma + transcript (diploma supplement), original and English version. Translations are required where the information is not rendered bilingually and must be signed and stamped by an authorized translator.
· Marriage certificate if the current name does not correspond to the one on the diplomas.
· Payment of the initial registration fee.
· Letter of eligibility from the professional body mentioning the date when you obtained the membership and detailed curricula (original and English version).
Uploaded files (images/documents) must not exceed the size of 5MB. After you register, your documents will be analysed by our accreditation team and you will be notified whether you benefit from ACCA exam exemptions.
In order to generate the discounted fees please introduce in your online application the code PYI.
PIY Code discounts:
Fee name
Normal fee
Discounted fee
Initial Registration
Exemption fee (AB -AA)*
£86/ exemption
£30/ exemption
First subscription fee
£116/ year
£0 during your first year of studies
* The discount is applied for the first eight ACCA exemptions (depending how many are obtained after the application is assessed).
Additional information
You can simulate the possible exemptions you can receive for previous studies by accessing the following link: https://www.accaglobal.com/gb/en/help/exemptions-calculator.html
Enter the name of the academic or/and professional institution and the year you graduated.
You can find the updated fees here -Fees and charges | ACCA Global.
More details about ACCA Qualification at this link: ACCA accountancy qualifications | ACCA Global
Preparation materials - free resources available on our website athttp://www.accaglobal.com/gb/en/student/exam-support-resources.html